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We exist in two places. Here, and where you are. Welcome to your offshore software center. We do what we say,. We say what we do. Start developing today with a team of 5 or more software engineers, equipped with modern work station and required technologies. This is an instant skill extension. And labor add-on to your in-house development team. And closely with your in-house development team. During the organizational transition to Agile.
DIY dark-launching feature toggle in 16 lines of Ruby. Dark launching and soft launching functionality is an important ingredient for continuous shipping. To me by now, even 2 days of code changes piling up feel like more than necessary.
Chúng tôi là ai? Hướng dẫn Scrum - 2013. Đây là tài liệu ngắn gọn và đầy đủ nhất chứa đựng định nghĩa về Scrum, mô. HoRenSo - để tương tác nhóm hiệu quả. Dù quy trình và công. Triết lý của Scrum là gì? Tại sao mọi người đều nên sử dụng Kanban Cá nhân. Tạp chí Lập trình Blog.
DIY dark-launching feature toggle in 16 lines of Ruby. Dark launching and soft launching functionality is an important ingredient for continuous shipping. To me by now, even 2 days of code changes piling up feel like more than necessary.
Startups, Tech and Vietnam. Last week, Agile Vietnam. Organized the second Agile Coding Dojo event. For this second event, Agile Vietnam chose to code in Groovy. Groovy, just like Java runs on the JVM. They invited me to present the simplicity of Groovy syntax over Java syntax.
Innovation evolves when different cultures matches, Samuel P. London is famous for its Artists, Designers and Musicians setting trends for many mass products. In 2001 I had the chance to work and live there for 1 month. Open document in new window. Why is it worth to think about the word.
Thomas Bindzus
9 Duong 19, Khu Pho 5
TP Ho Chi Minh, TP Ho Chi Minh, 70000
Take small, effective steps. In his excellent book on Kanban. Existing processes will be optimized through introduction of visualization. And limiting work-in-progress to catalyze changes. As existing roles and responsibilities do not change, resistance from employees should be minimal.
Material provided in the book is primarily made for Roassal, a visualization engine written in the Pharo. Roassal is intimate with XML, CSV, JSON. Roassal will make you an empowered data cruncher to paint and interact your data structures at will. Many software engineering tasks involves advanced visualization techniques. Roassal, when coupled with Moose. Will turn you into a surgeon for software. Part 0 - Before the feast.
Jsme vysoce profesionální stavební firma zaměřená na komplexní řešení středních a velkých stavebních projektů, jako je výstavba obchodních zón, inženýrských sítí, pozemních komunikací nebo vodohospodářských staveb po celé ČR. je česká stavební společnost, která oslavila 20 let své existence. Celoročně zaměstnáváme více jak 100 pracovníků. Tím zajišťujeme jejich maximální profesionalitu. A možnost jejich odborného růstu.
I was asked to do a session for the Agile Winnipeg User Group and the first thing that popped into my mind was Innovation Games. So I thought it would be the most impactful and fun to do the Product Box game. The idea was to do a Product Box on Agile. The objective was to create a Product Box that would let you communicate what Agile is and then try to sell Agil.
Projects and more classic fixed-price. You can go your own way! As a whole, or in time of tasks.